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Grants from deeds4kids

A critical situation necessitates new solutions, and the response from people in many countries has been incredible. Our goal is not to waste time and, despite the tragic circumstances, and to focus on the continued development of children. If you have any information about opportunities available to Ukrainians, please send it to

"10 grants to Canada"

DEEDS4KIDS provides an opportunity to go to schools abroad for 1 year for children from certain categories who suffered during the war. 


Our partnership with CanSchool involves:


- finding a place for a child in a Canadian school, help with admission;

- arranging for the child to stay with a Canadian family;

- covering the cost of the child's flight there and back;

- covering the costs of opening a visa;

- providing full support with documents.


The first participant of the program, Vlad, is already in Toronto! He attends Newtonbook Secondary School, and goes to football and other activities.

"1 year of study in an English-speaking school"

У 2022-2023 роках фонд DEEDS4KIDS у партнерстві з CanSchool надавав можливість обдарованим учням випускних класів отримати канадську вищу освіту. Наш фонд фінансував навчання тим дітям з пільгових категорій, які постраждали від війни та родини котрих не мають фінансової змоги.


У програмі взяли участь 5 учнів, які займаються за такими програмами: Business Leadership, Advanced Functions, English, Math. Частина учасників вже подали заяви на стипендії у Канаді. Бажаємо успіхів!

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